Tuesday, February 4, 2025



I'm not often too lucky when it comes to winning things in giveaways on Twitch streams, but last night I had hit the absolute jackpot and even got a nice little bonus tacked onto that shortly after as well.

I was watching/lurking on CrashNaps Twitch stream and towards the end of his stream he decided to do a marbles run and the winner would get 9.5 billion ISK.

I was actively watching the stream at the time and figured I'd join for the hell of it. When the marbles run started I wasn't even in the top 10 marbles in the race, but towards the very end of the course I managed to catch up and I eventually pulled into first place with a decent lead to the second marble.

Low and behold I managed to win the entire thing and I was just sitting there for a second in complete shock because, as an alpha account pilot, 9.5 billion ISK was literally hitting the jackpot. This is kind of ISK that new players would dream about having, even though I am not new to EVE it is still a lot for a fresh start.

I went back to his VOD and created a clip of the moment just so I could cherish it as I may have totally burned out my RNG luck with this and I may never win another ISK giveaway again of this magnitude:

If for some reason this doesn't load you can view the clip directly here:


I am planning to save much of it and use it to buy ships and fit them for mission running as well as low level escalations (I can currently fly a Caracal and training towards a Drake). I also will want to run the Sisters of EVE epic arc soon as well.

And with that said and done, I managed to snag a nice little bonus shortly after all this happened. I ended up in Nth_Dimensionals Twitch stream and I did a follow and an o7 salute. I was asked if I came from YouTube and I said no and that I was in CrashNaps stream and I guess the word "crash" was the trigger for a partner skin giveaway in their channel.

So on top of winning the 9.5 billion ISK I also managed to snag a bonus Cyclone Fleet Issue skin as well (which was worth about 210 million ISK).

I don't know literally what happened last night, but the stars seemed to align for me and I pretty much rolled double natural 20's on luck.

Thanks to CrashNaps and Nth_Dimensional both. Go check out their streams!

CrashNaps: https://www.twitch.tv/crashnaps

Nth_Dimensional: https://www.twitch.tv/nth_dimensional

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