The other day when I was running some missions it occurred to me that having multiple groups of weapons and switching ammunition types is quite a pain in the ass.
A reload all command currently reloads all turrets and launchers, even when having multiple groups of them, to the specific type of ammunition you are currently using. However this doesn't happen when switching ammunition, which currently requires manual reloading of all turret/launcher groups one by one.
I don't know if this has been suggested before, but that same mechanic should really apply to switching between ammunition types.
For example if I have a ship with 3 groups of missile launchers (like a Corax using 3/2/2 grouping) and I want to switch from Scourge Light Missiles to Inferno Light Missiles it should perform the same action of reload all when switching so when I switch one group from Scourge to Inferno all groups should automatically be reloaded into Inferno.
This would make things so much easier instead of manually having to reload each group into a different ammunition.
I don't know if this will ever get seen or implemented, but it would be really nice to have.
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